
I had my first little drought since my bounce back recently.  I got pretty comfortable and confident, not in myself. I know to only boast in Christ. But comfortable in where I was at. And of course that was a mistake. I went about 4 days without having my quiet time or praying much before the devil attacked.  And he attacked fiercly and knew the exact area to attack me.  I got really scared and began to look at this issue very differently than I have in the past when it has come up. At first I felt helpless and had the mindset of, “I’ve never been able to defeat this temptation before. Why should this time be any different?” But last night someone played the song YEARN by Shane & Shane, and it hit me. Of course this time won’t be any different if I try to defeat this in my own strength and with the mindset of already giving up. I have to fight with the armour of Christ! And I made that chorus my prayer: Lord, I want to yearn for you! I want to burn with passion over you! And only you! Lord, I want to yearn!  And I know that if I allow God to equip me for battle, He WILL have victory!  I just wanted to share that. I haven’t blogged in a while. I’ve had plenty to blog about, but everytime I think about it, I’m just like, “I’m not in blogging mode right now.” So anyways, I wasn’t really in super blogging mode for this, but I wanted to share. So here ya go. Maybe I’ll be back in blogging mode soon. Love, Christi

Published in: on June 15, 2009 at 8:24 pm  Leave a Comment  

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